Deparment profile
In the research activities, the department is focused on the analysis and definition of subtle forms of forest management technologies in line with its stage development. Analysed is the relationship of human activity in the forest, determined are the parameters of techniques and technologies to create a comprehensive methodology "symbiosis of the biological and the technical" in forestry. An important result of the Department is determination of the rates of resistance of forest ecosystems to anthropogenic activities in the harvesting-transportation technologies, definition and describtion of the damage caused by the application of forestry techniques, the development of some new equipment for forestry and the development of new, more appropriate technologies for the forest. At the Department an original work by an open system to support spatial decision /SDSS / was created. This allows determining the optimal variant of harvesting and transportation technology in concrete terms while minimizing health, safety and health risks and negative impacts on the environment.
Special attention in the scientific research activity is dedicated to the development and impact of incidental felling and the projects for its processing, including the impact on the valuation of wood. Tools to objectively analyse and evaluate the impact of specific factors and the impact of particular risks in Slovakian forestry are created. Significant results of the Department are research activities for a comprehensive assessment of wood and biomass for energy use. Department focused its research and development activities on solving the problems of protection forests and forests for special purposes with the forest road network, regional curves for a small watersheds, technical and environmental problems in the design and construction of forest roads, torrents assessment, flood protection and soil erosion control problems in watersheds water reservoirs. At the department, various project activities, hundreds of construction works were carried out, such as: forest roads and forest paths, adaptation of torrents streams, remediation of landslides and devastated areas.


In 1962 two independent departments were established at the Forestry and Wood Sciences University, namely the Department of Forest Constructions and the Department of Forest Harvesting and Mechanization. The Department of Forest Harvesting and Mechanization was divided in 1964 into the Department of Forest Harvesting and the Department of Forestry Mechanization. In 1970, the departments reintegrated into the Department of Forest Harvesting and Mechanization. Since 1994, the Department of Forest Constructions has been transformed into the Department of Forest Constructions and Ameliorations. In 2012, the Department of Forest Harvesting and Mechanization and the Department of Forest Constructions and Ameliorations merged and transformed into the Department of Forest Harvesting, Logistics and Ameliorations. The heads of the Department of Forest harvesting and Mechanization were: Eugen Rónay, Pavol Roško, Vladimir Konrád, Tibor Lukáč, Valéria Messingerová and Jozef Suchomel. The heads of the Department of Forest Constructions and Aeliorations were: Ľubomír Jurík, Štefan Makovník, František Kompan, Július Valtýni, Pavol Dvorščák, Štefan Žíhlavník and Matúš Jakubis. The newly integrated department was headed by Matúš Jakubis and currently by Ján Merganič.